Asbestos Safety Dos and Don’ts
If you own an older home, take every precaution to avoid damaging materials that may contain asbestos.
Even if a repair seems minor, you should hire a professional when asbestos may be present. Improper handling of safely managed asbestos can create an exposure risk where there was none before.
- Avoid any contact with dangerous asbestos materials.
- Take every precaution not to damage any materials that may contain asbestos.
- Talk to your home inspector or real estate agent about any known asbestos risks in your home.
- Only hire trained professionals for asbestos inspections, testing, repairs or removal.
- If you are planning on a demolition, contact the appropriate regulatory agency in your local or state government.
- Don’t saw, sand, scrape, drill or disturb materials that may contain asbestos.
- Don’t sweep, vacuum or dust debris that may contain asbestos.
- Don’t collect asbestos samples for testing without proper training.
- Don’t perform any work on or near asbestos materials unless you’re trained and certified.
- Don’t remove asbestos unless repair or concealment is impossible, and there’s a high risk for exposure.
- Don’t dispose of asbestos materials with normal household waste.